Quantum journey starts with the ICT Summit

The ICT Summit, which will bring the public and business world together for the 20th time, will be held on Wednesday, November 25 with the theme of “QUANTUM JOURNEY” in a digital environment. “Quantum Technology”, which will give a new meaning to data science and reshape all stages of business and social life from health to finance, production and transportation, will be discussed with opinion leaders from all over the world. Organized under the main sponsorship of Dell Technologies and SAP, the event will present a new perspective and agenda to all technology stakeholders.
The ICT Summit, which has been held continuously for 20 years with the aim of determining, updating and developing the vision, strategy and roadmap of technology and informatics, continues to bring current and future developments to the agenda of the business world with a wide and rich perspective. In the ICT Summit’20 this year; “Quantum Technology”, which has led to heated debates by the scientific community, made countries to prepare for it as a new force in competition and will shape the next 30 years, is going to be brought to the agenda. Recent events and the pandemic process have shown that we will constantly encounter new “surprises” in life. In order for these events to be overcome as soon as possible and to find a solution, data science must be able to act much faster than now. The technology world will reach this high speed with Quantum.
The Summit will present a 3D experience
At the ICT Summit, which will be reborn from its ashes and say “Quantum Journey Begins” for the new and advanced technologies of the future, ‘Quantum technologies’, which is considered to be the biggest technology step of the future and will affect business and social life deeply, will be discussed with opinion leaders. At the event, Boğaziçi University Computer Science Professor Cem Say, Canada Wilfrid Laurier University Physics and Computer Science Professor, Quantum Physicist Dr. Shohini Ghose and Dell Technologies EMEA CTO Marc O’Regan will be in the opening program as keynote speakers. Presidency Digital Office President Dr. Ali Taha Koç, Deputy Minister of Industry and Technology Mehmet Fatih Kacır and Presidential Economic Policies Board Member Dr. Hakan Yurdakul will also speak at the summit and parallel sessions will be held in 5 separate halls after the opening program. Some of the session titles in the halls are listed here as:
- Next Generation Internet of Things
- Advanced Technologies in the Cloud
- Digital Transformation Continuity
- Unlimited, Infinite and Big Data
- Corporate Transformation Management
- Managed Services
- Finance, Banking and Payment Systems
- IT Sector Knows
The summit, which will be held in digital environment for the first time this year due to the pandemic, will be held free of charge for everyone. The summit, where online registrations will be made at www.bilisimzirvesi20.com, will be as effective as the previous ones. Within the scope of the 3D experience to be presented, the stands of the companies can be visited in a virtual environment and instant conversations can be made in the networking areas.
“Thanks to quantum technology, data science will gain a new meaning”
ICT Summit Event Company General Manager Neslihan Aksun stated that: “It is almost the time to say goodbye to the technology plane that we have gotten used to, adopted and accepted. In today’s world, everything generates data and each of these data has the potential to turn into value. From household appliances to driverless cars, from production machines in factories to healthcare devices, there is a continuous data production from every device. Considering that the applications such as transmitting these unstructured data instantly to a center, processing here and giving instant commands to the machines will increase, there is a need for a technology that will instantly process unlimited and infinite instant data; it is quantum technology. On which computers the huge data obtained from every point will be processed instantly? At this point, quantum, a new generation computer technology, comes into play. Thanks to quantum technology, data science will gain a new meaning. Quantum computing, in this respect, will make a great contribution to the development of artificial intelligence’s ability to work. “In order to adapt to the quantum technologies that will completely change the concept of technology and informatics, it is necessary to demolish the existing order with a reformist approach, take pre-destructive measures and be prepared for innovation.”
At the ICT Summit’20, in the complexity and obscurity of the ‘Quantum Journey’, companies will discover how to find their way, make the most accurate prediction by calculating all possibilities, understand what the major changes await them and how to prepare for this new era with the solutions they are currently using. Business and informatics professionals, politicians, public and local administrations, academic world, non-governmental organizations, opinion leaders and scientists will come together at the summit, which aims to create and spread corporate awareness on the topic.
“Technology Captains Awards” await winners
The “Technology Captains Awards”, which will be held for the third time this year in order to motivate companies and their teams for the projects and applications they have developed in digital transformation, will be held at 18:00 on November 25, after the summit sessions are completed. The projects and applications developed by companies for different business processes will be awarded in different categories as “Technology Captains”.