Connected vehicle technologies will expand to the world
Comodif and Bulutistan are establishing strategic cooperation in the field of connected vehicle technologies and software services over the cloud. With the collaboration focused on digital transformation in automotive, Comodif Mobility Platform will present the connected vehicle and driver behavior data to its customers in a structure ready to be used in end user applications through the Bulutistan infrastructure. Comodif CEO Serdar Urçar said: “We will spread connected vehicle technology solutions to both local and international markets over the infrastructure of our strategic business partner Bulutistan.
With connected vehicle technologies, the experience of driving in our country and in foreign markets will be enriched, the driving quality will increase and the carbon footprint will decrease with fuel optimization.” Bulutistan CEO Begim Başlıgil stated that: “We were following the vision Comodif brought to the new mobility ecosystem and connected vehicle technologies that provide cost optimization for its customers.”
Thanks to the Comodif business model, customers working to provide solutions to the end consumer or their employees are free from the initial investment cost and the obligation to invest in infrastructure, while ensuring business continuity with flexible monthly payment methods. It will also be able to access its real-time data without any security concerns. The fact that both companies have globalization visions and the ability to access more than 200 data centers in five continents by using the Equinix data center network of Bulutistan have also created a strategic harmony in international expansion. It is aimed that the cooperation, which started with the goal of providing connected mobility services on a global basis, will be implemented in the global market in a short time after the initiation in the local market.