Schneider launched its first innovation center in the region in Istanbul

Schneider Electric, which came to the top in 2021 as the leader of sustainability in the Corporate Knights Global Sustainability Index, launched its first of Innovation Centers in Istanbul in the MEA (Middle East and Africa) region, to be one of the Innovation Centers established to lead the digital transformation of countries and institutions in energy efficiency. At the online press conference held for the opening of the center, Schneider Electric Global Innovation President Emmanuel Lagarrigue and Murat Sönmez, who served as a member of the World Economic Forum Executive Board from October 2014 to March 2021, explained the current global trends on digital transformation and energy efficiency in scope of 4th Industrial Revolution.
The Innovation Center, established at the company’s Headquarters in Ataşehir, will serve as an area where real time technology solutions can be experienced in all application areas such as hospitals, hotels, industrial facilities, data centers, superstructure investments. Schneider Electric aims to produce customized solutions for each customer by connecting and comparing facilities from all over the world with real time data in the Innovation Center, which is equipped with more than 50 software based on artificial intelligence and digital twin technologies. The center is also expected to serve as an experience, training and development area for professional organizations, energy sector professionals and students of engineering faculties. The Innovation Center İstanbul, which is aimed to host more than 1000 people and institutions this year, will also contribute to the global digital transformation move in energy efficiency by participating in joint projects with Schneider Electric’s centers in other cities of the world and sharing know-how. As noted by the company’s Turkey, Central Asia and Pakistan Regional President Bora Tuncer; Schneider Electric serves different purposes worldwide in over 50 Innovation Centers and they are proud to launch the first Innovation Center in the Middle East and Africa region in Turkey, a rapidly growing country in terms of industrialization and digitalization. Bora Tuncer continued as:
“Schneider Electric continued to invest during the pandemic in 2020 in order to support Turkey to use energy resources efficiently and to respond the needs in line with the awareness of Turkey’s public and private sectors. The Innovation Center, which is the last link of these investments, will serve as a center where tailor-made solutions for building automation, safe power, industrial automation and power distribution can be tested in real time. In this way, Turkey will be able to find a more effective contribution in the context of sustainable development initiatives to achieve their energy efficiency targets.”
Stating that they continue to provide remote energy management, maintenance and repair services, 24/7 service support to hospitals, data centers and food industries where energy is critical during the pandemic period, Tuncer said that: “As Schneider Electric, as a trusted and consulted business partner in the field of energy management, we have once again seen the importance of being side to side with institutions. For this reason, we have decided to launch our Innovation Center very quickly in order to maximize energy efficiency by producing more agile and flexible solutions to the Turkish business world and the public sector.”