Connectivity provides motivation to individuals
Ready For Change is a community and digital platform that creates pleasant moments and sharing experiences for everyone who wants to discover something new, keep pace with the changing world and be together with a social and benefit-producing mass, while living one day after another in the chaos of the city, in the routines of business life and life itself… Its founder is Murat Erdör, who transformed this experience into an idea-sharing enterprise after 20 years of work experience. The subscription model, which is common abroad, is used on this platform. Topics related to 5 main topics such as career planning, personal development, digital transformation, entrepreneurship and lifestyle were selected and a file is shared with members related to a topic every month, book, movie, video suggestions are made and some questions are asked to answer. Members come together on the online platform 4 times a month every Thursday evening at 21:00. In the first week, the developments of the month related to the topics on the agenda are interpreted, the second week, the experts are listened to the subject of the month and questions are asked, the third week the members are chatted with each other about the topic of the month and social life, and in the fourth week, a senior name from the business world is hosted.
Murat Erdör stated that: “With the Ready For Change platform, we are trying to connect people with each other, make sure everyone sees what they are missing on the topic of the month and take action on this. The story of the Ready For Change platform actually goes back 4-5 years. It was founded by me this year, after many researches on what can be done since then. Employees need different motivations, especially in this period, and I believe that a platform like Ready For Change will contribute a lot to them in terms of development and networking, will make a positive contribution to their performance and this will have a high return to the company they work for. In this sense, I would like to make a call to the HR directors of the companies in this sense and invite them to this platform. The biggest difference of our platform from the models abroad is that there is an online meeting every week, a physical product is sent and a physical meeting is held. Since there is not much habit of giving money only to an online product in our country, we thought and added that a book that people will touch with their hands would be nice in terms of being suitable for the concept. Since our primary goal is networking, coming together physically is one of the advantages of the platform. Our goal will be to fully settle the system in the first place and to make people adopt the subscription model, which is common abroad. While we are trying to recruit new members, we will continue to work to make existing members as happy as possible. When the system is settled and social life is normalized, we will enable members to meet under groups in different areas of interest such as books, sports, food and beverage, travel, music, photography to establish more networking among themselves. Our ultimate goal will be to carry this model abroad.”