KnowledgeClub DEVOPS BOOTCAMP sektöre can verecek

DevOps Bootcamp eğitimi Knowledge Club deneyimli DevOps Ekip Lideri Erdeniz Ünvan Hocamız ile 30 Temmuz 2022 Cumartesi günü başlayacaktır.
Kayıt için :
Konu hakkında bilgi veren Ünvan :
“Gelecek DevOps’ta olduğu için ülkemizdeki pek çok insan bu alanda kendini geliştirmek istiyor. Ama esas sorun buradaki bu alana nereden, nasıl başlayacağını bilmiyor.
Bu sorunu çözmek için ülkemizdeki en kapsamlı uçtan uca DevOps eğitimini geliştirdik.
Bu eğitimimiz sayesinde öğrencilerimize önce Python’u, Linux’u, Git’i ve Rest Api’ı öğreteceğiz.
Ardından Network otomasyon, veri bilimi, makine öğrenme, derin öğrenme, robotik proses öğretip; bu alanlarda ilgili servislerinin docker üzerinde tasarlanması, yazılması, geliştirilmesi, yönetilmesi ve kubernetes ile orkestre edilmesi için 5 aylık online uzun dönem eğitimimizi hazırladık.
Eğitimimiz 30 Temmuz Cumartesi günü başlayacaktır.
Bu dersin bitiminde öğrencilerimiz Network otomasyon, veri bilimi, makine öğrenme, derin öğrenme, robotik proses alanlarında kendi uygulamalarını geliştirip; yönetecek seviyeye gelmiş olacaktır.”
Eğitim 5 ay boyunca Cumartesi günleri yapılacak olup konular aşağıdaki gibi olacak :
Course Duration:160 Hours
About This Course:
Part 1: Programming Language: Python
Part 2: OS: Linux
Part 3: Git
Part 4: REST API With Python
Part 5: Data Science With Python
Part 6: Network Automation With Python
Part 7: Machine Learning & Deep Learning With Python
Part 8: Robotic Process Automation With Python
Part 9 Docker
Part 10: Ansible
Part 11: Container Orchestration with Kubernetes
Part 12: DevSecOps
Course Index:
Course Introduction:
-Course Index
– Evolution of IT
-What is DevOps?
-Quality Assurance
-Cloud Security
Part 1: Programming Language: Python
Module 1: Language Overview
> Why Python is popular on many areas?
> Big Data and Database Management
> Data Science and Analysis
> Machine Learning (ML:
> Artificial Intelligence (AI:
> Network Programming and System Automation
Module 2: Standard Data Types
> The Python Standard Library
> Built-in Functions and Modulees
> Basic Operators and Type Casting
> Numeric Data Types and Functions
> String Data Type and Functions
Module 3: Flow Control,
> if-else
> For loop
> While loop
> break and continue statements
Module 4: Functions
> Function Definition
> Scope Rules
> Recursion
> Random Modulee Functions
Module 5: Lists and Tuples
> Immutable vs Mutable Types
> List and Tuple Functions
> Comparison
> Conversion
> Multi-dimensional Lists and Tuples
Module 6: Dictionaries
> Key and Value Pairs
> Dictionary Functions
> Sorting and Converting
Module 7: External Libraries
> Important Libraries
> How to Install and Import
> Examples
Module 8:Basic File Operations
> Open a File with r/w/a/b Modes
> File Operations
> File and Directory Methods
Module 9:Exception Handling
> Exception Types
> Multiple Exceptions
> try and except block
> Finally expression
Part 2: OS: Linux
Module 1:Linux Distributions and Shell Types
Module 2: Basic Commands
: alias, ls, cd, pwd, mkdir, cat, touch, hidden files,
metachars, rm, cp, mv, man, info, find, grep, wc
Module 3: Standard I/O and Pipes
Stdin, Stdout, Stderr And Sudo
Module 4: vi/vim Text Editor
Module 5: Permissions on Linux
Module 6: Archiving files and OpenSSH
Module 7: Linux File System
df, du, lsblk, fdisk
Module 8: Service Management
Module 9: Account Management
Module 10: Process Management
Module 11: Software Management
Module 12: System Log Files
Part 3) Git
Module 1: Git Intro
Module 2: How Git Works ?
Module 3: Version Control with Git
Module 4: Branching with Git
Module 5; Use Git for Version Control
Part 4: REST API With Python
Module 1: List Comprehension Lab
Module 2: What is Model Driven Automation
Module3: What is HTTP ?
Module4: How HTTP works ?
Module5: What is Rest API
Module 6: What are API Data Formats?
Module 7: List Comprehension
Module 8: Parsing Public Colorado Population API With Python Lab
Module 9: Parsing News API With Python Lab
Module 10: Parsing NASA API With Python Lab
Module 11: Parsing Capital Cities JSON With Python Lab
Module 12: Parsing Star War JSON With Python Lab
Module 13: Parsing Game Of Thrones JSON With Python Lab
Module 14: Creating Custom API: Open Weather
Module 15: if _name_ == ‘_main_’
Module 16: Webex API Chat Bot With Web Hook Lab
Part 5: Data Science With Python
Module 1: What is Data Science ?
Module 2: What is Artificial Intelligence ?
Module 3: The Relation Between Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Machine Learning and Deep Learnig
Module 4: What Data Scientist Do ?
Module 5: Creating Data Frame From API With Pandas Lab
Module 6: Creating Data Frame From Python Data Types With Pandas Lab
Module 7: Creating Data Frames from JSON With Pandas Lab
Module 8: Creating Data Frame From TXT With Pandas Lab
Module 9: Sorting Values At Data Frames With Pandas Lab
Module 10: Create Excel With Openpyxl With Pandas Lab
Module 11: Creating Data Frame From Excel With Pandas Lab
Module 12 Creating Data Frames From CSV With Skip Rows Functions At Pandas Lab
Module 13: Salaries Dataset Part 1 Set Index, Drop, NA Values Functions at Pandas Lab
Module 14: Salaries Dataset Part 2 Making Querries With Pandas Lab
Module 15: Salaries Dataset Part 3 Making Multiple Querries-Locate With Pandas Lab
Module 16: Pandas DataFrame Append, Concat, Transpose Lab
Module 17: Pandas Nunique Lab
Module 18: Copy Sheet-Delete Row & Columns at Excel With Openpyxl Lab
Module 19: Seperate & Save Sheets As New WorkBooks at Excel With Xlwing Lab
Module 20: Merge & Seperate Workbooks into New Workbooks at Excel With Openpyxl Lab
Module 21: Heart Attack Analysis Part 1 Intro
Module 22: Heart Attack Analysis Part 2 Value Counts With Pandas Lab
Module 23: Heart Attack Analysis Part 3 Features (Value Count & Nunique: With Pandas Lab
Module 24: Heart Attack Analysis Part 4 Group By With Pandas Lab
Module 25: Heart Attack Analysis Part 5 Cut with Pandas Lab
Module 26: Video IMDB Top 250 HTML Parsing Lab With Pandas and Beautiful Soup Lab
Module 27: Lambda Lab
Module 28: Numpy Intro
Module 29: Mean, Variance, Sigma Lab
Module 30: Median Lab
Module 31: Standard Scaler 1 Intro
Module 32: Titanic Fill NA, Median, Transform Data With Pandas Lab
Module 33: OneHotEncoder Iris Dataset With Sklearn Lab
Module 34: Matplotlib 1 Data Visualization Lab
Module 35: Matplotlib 2 Subplots Lab
Module 36: Matplotlib 3 Subplots Pie Lab
Module 37: Matplotlib 4 Turkish Footbal Federation Lab
Module 38: Matplotlib 5 With Pandas Data Reader Lab
Module 39: Matplotlib 6 Customize Time Series Tata Global Lab
Module 40: Matplotlib 7 Customize Time Series Colorado Lab (rotation, indent, time format:
Module 41: Matplotlib 9 Random Walk Probability Lab
Module 42: Matplotlib 10 Random Multiple Walk Probability Lab
Module 43: Matplotlib 11 Birthday Probability Lab
Module 44Matplotlib 12 Birthday Probability %50 Annotate Lab
Module 45: Matplotlib Bonus Scatter Lab
Module 46: Matplotlib Annotate & Arrowprops Lab
Module 47: Seaborn Lineplot Lab
Module 48: Advertisement Dataset Seaborn Scatterplot, Heatmap, Pairplot Lab
Module 49: Heart Attack Analysis Part 6 Seaborn Barplot Lab
Module 50: Heart Attack Analysis Part 7 Seaborn Catplot Lab
Module 51: Heart Attack Analysis Part 8 Seaborn Boxplot Lab
Module 52: Log File Management With Python Lab
Module 53: Object Oriented Programing Encapsulation
Module 54: Object Oriented Programing Inheritance
Module 55: Parsing Star Wars Episode 3 Scenario Lab
Module 56: Regular Expressions Parsing Words.txt file Lab
Module 57: Regular Expressions Kill Bill Phrase With regex101 Lab
Module 58: Regular Expressions Parsing Emails Lab
Module 59: Regular Expressions Split, Substitude, Findall Lab
Module 60: Socket Programming Part 1 Sending & Receiving Data Lab
Module 61: Socket Programming Part 2 Parsing Binary Data Lab
Module 62: SQlite3 Introduction To SQlite3 Database Company Lab
Module 63: SQLite3 Harvard Movies Project Lab
Module 64: Netflix Dataset
Module 65: Spotify Dataset
Part 6: Network Automation With Python
Module 1: Paramiko SSH & SFTP Lab
Module 2: Network Automation with Paramiko (Terminal Length, Custom Paramiko Library) Lab
Module 3: Introduction to Netmiko Lab
Module 4: Introduction to TextFSM Lab
Module 5: Configure Multiple Devices With Netmiko Lab
Module 6: Multiple Devices With Netmiko Via JSON Lab
Module 7: Receive Serial Numbers With Netmiko & TextFSM Lab
Module 8: Excel With Netmiko TextFSM Lab
Module 9: Zero Touch Provisioning Netmiko With TextFSM Lab
Module 10: Converting Yaml with Jinja Template Lab
Module 11: NXAPI Sandbox Lab
Module 12: NXAPI Postman Lab
Module 13: NXAPI Python Lab
Module 14: NXAPI Zero Touch Provisioning Lab
Module 15: Parsing XML With Python
Module 16: Introduction to Napalm
Module 17: Connect to a Switch With Napalm
Module 18: Napalm and JSON
Module 19: View a MAC address table and ARP cache With Napalm
Module 20: Use NAPALM to retrieve BGP neighbors
Module 21: Use Napalm for Device Configuration: Configure ACL
Module 22: Introduction to NetConf
Module 23: NetConf get-config using SSH
Module 24: NetConf get-config using Ncclient
Module 26: Use Ncclient to Configure a Device
Module 27: Introduction to RestConf
Module 28: Learn to CRUD with GET, POST and DELETE using RESTCONF
Module 29: Use RESTCONF to Access an IOS XE Device
Module 30: Introducing YANG Data Modeling for the Network
Part 7: Machine Learning & Deep Learning With Python
Module 1: What is Machine Learning
Module 2: Machine Learning Methods
Module 3: Supervised Machine Learning Regression Introduction
Modulee 4: Advertisement Data Set Multiple Linear Regression
Module 5: Advertisement Data Set Polynomial Regression
Module 6: How to Save Data Model and Load
Module 7: Supervised Machine Learning Classification
Module 8: Using Standard Scaler Method For Scattered Distributed Dataset: Breast Cancer
Module 9: Converting Text Wise Simple/Binary Classification Dataset into Numerical via Label Encoder: Titanic Dataset Label Encoder
Module 10: Cross Validation
Module 11: Lasso
Module 12: KNN
Module 13: Introduction To Deep Learning
Module 14: What is Neural Network ?
Module 15: What is Deep Nerural Network ?
Module 16: How to Design Deep Neural Network ?
Module 17 : Multi Layer Perceptron:
Module 18: Breast Cancer Dataset Prediction With MLP
Module 19: Artificial Neural Network
Module 20: Desigining Deep Neural Network Tensorflow Play Ground
Module 21: Handwriting With Tensor Flow
Module 22: Pima Indians Diabetics DataSet Simple Classification with ANN (Keras)
Module 23: Breast Cancer Dataset Prediction With ANN (Keras)
Module 24: Boston Houses Dataset Prediction With ANN (Keras)
Module 25: Iris Flower Dataset Multiple Classification With ANN (Keras)
Module 26: Early Stop Callback (Keras)
Module 27: Multiple Early Stop Call Back (Keras)
Module 28: Image Process
Module 29: OpenCV, CVlib, PyTorch
Module 30: Yolov3 Files
Part 8: Robotic Process Automation With Python
Module 1: Creating Custom API Open Weather
Module 2: if _name_ == ‘_main_’
Module 3: Webex API Part Lab
Module 4: Email With Python Part 1 smtplib & email.message Lab
Module 5: Email With Python Part 2 Yagmail Lab
Module 6: Email With Python Part 3 Attached Email with Email.Message Lab
Module 7: Email With Python Part 4 Time Scheduled Mail Lab
Module 8: Email With Python Part 5 Bitcoin Api Auto Alarm Management With Email Lab
Module 9: Email With Python Part 6 Email With Excel Lab
Module 10: Email With Python Part 7 Sending attached file as html in email Lab
Module 11: Email With Python Part 8 Sending Email within VPN Lab
Module 12: Creating Widget With Tkinter Lab
Module 13: Restaurant Menu With Tkinter Lab
Module 14: Text To Speech With gTTS Lab
Module 15: Text To Speech With Pyttsx Lab
Module 16: Speech to text gTTS Lab
Module 17: Speech To Text Pyttsx3 Lab
Module 18: Weather Forecast Application With Tkinter, SQL, TTS, STT
Module 19: Flask
Module 20: Making Calculator With Flask
Module 21: Making Phone Book With Flask
Module 22: Fast API
Module 23: Making Applications With Fast API
Module 24: Making Machine Learning Application With Fast API
Module 25: Making Weather Forecast Application With Fast API
Part 9 Docker
Module 1: What is Docker ?
Module 2: What is Container ?
Module 3: How Docker and Container works ?
Module 4: What is Kubernetes ?
Module 5: How Kubernetes works ?
Module 6: Python Unit Tests (Assert & Unittest)
Module 7: Docker Installation and Hello World Container
Module 8: NGINX Container Installation and Other Web Services Management
Module 9: Interpret a Dockerfile
Module 10: Container Network
Module 11 Container Security
Module 12: Containerize An Application Using Docker
Module 13: Docker Compose
Module 14: Integrate Application into Existing CI_CD Environment
Module 15: Docker swarm
Modul 16: Convert Tkinter Python Code Into Container
Module 17: Convert Fast API Code Into Container
Part 10) Ansible
Module 1: What is Ansible
Module 2: How Ansible Works ?
Module 3: How To Make Ansible Design ?
Module 4: Inventory
Module 5: Playbook
Module 6: Roles
Module 7: How To Manage Servers With Ansible
Module 8: How to Manage Cisco NX-OS With Ansible
Module 9: How to Manage Cisco IOS With Ansible
Part 11) Container Orchestration with Kubernetes
Module 1: Kubernetes Introduction
Module 2: Kubernetes Installation
Module 3: Setting Up a Kubernetes Cluster with Docker
Module 4: Scaling Pods in Kubernetes
Module 5: Creating Helm Charts
Part 12) DevSecOps
Module 1: An Overview of DevSecOps
Module 2: Cyber Security Standards and Concepts
Module 3: Cyber Security Standards
Module 4: Identity and Access Management
Module 5: Secure Software Onboarding
Module 6: Clean Repositories
Module 7: Securing Public Repositories
Module 8: Secure Containerization
Module 9: Docker Trusted Repositories
Module 10: Docker Bench
Module 11: Using Docker Bench to Enhance Container Security