All corporate applications under one roof

Institutions are forced to use a range of software due to digitalization pressure. Multiple software used cannot meet company efficiency due to management costs, lack of integration, and customization difficulties. Incompatibility of software causes both time and cost loss. Xpoda, which pioneered software development without writing code in Turkey 8 years ago, continues to inspire the digital world. One of the best examples in this regard is the newly launched FlexiOps solution developed by NoCodeTime over Xpoda.
FlexiOps, which hosts all corporate business applications of a business under a single roof and draws attention as a digital transformation solution whose modules can be quickly customized thanks to both the power of Xpoda and FlexiOps developments, offers ‘time’ with the possibility of digitalization on the same day, ‘efficiency’ with the ability to customize, and ‘integration’ power thanks to the Xpoda infrastructure.
The modules offered in FlexiOps, which combines more than 40 business processes such as permission, advance payment, expense, CRM, project management, and purchasing from a single platform, can be quickly and customized according to need. The solution appeals to businesses of all sizes and sectors. With FlexiOps, which reduces the digital transformation period to 1 day, businesses centralize all business processes and accelerate their digital transformation processes in a cost-effective manner with a structure that is faster, easier to customize, has integration capabilities and is managed on a single platform.