An important union for digitalization
Premier DC data center is starting to offer GlobePEER and DirectCLOUD services to its customers in Turkey in cooperation with the global internet exchange operator DE-CIX. DE-CIX Turkey Regional Director Bülent Şen stated that DE-CIX Internet Exchange Point is an easily managed infrastructure service that offers the shortest way for data exchange between data centers and telecommunication operators in Turkey. Bülent Şen emphasized that, through exchange points, businesses may access and exchange data by connecting to established extranet private networks or platforms such as Facebook, any other network in the world with DE-CIX GlobePEER service and any of the hyper-scale cloud platforms such as AWS, Microsoft Azure, GoogleCloud, AlibabaCloud, IBMCloud, OracleCloud, SAP with DE-CIX DirectCLOUD service with minimum latency guarantee. Bülent Şen also reminded that the fact that Premier DC Data Center’s domestic and foreign customers can easily access DE-CIX services is an important step in the digitalization of Turkey for Premier DC Data Center and DE-CIX. Premier DC Data Center Board of Directors Advisor Sadi Abalı made the following evaluation:
“With the infrastructure and services it provides, DE-CIX fills a gap that is important for countries that are not located in the center of Europe, such as Turkey. Premier DC Data Center is a data center and cloud services provider that aims to provide the most comprehensive information technology services that businesses need. After the services such as database security and compliance management managed by the Openstack-KVM based cloud services platform that we announced this year, we continue the series with GlobePEER and DirectCLOUD services that we offer in cooperation with DE-CIX. We will continue to announce other new services in the coming months. Call centers, online gaming companies and global companies that have to keep some of their applications abroad need the services we provide with DE-CIX.”