‘Call for Mobility’ from ‘Technology Oriented Industry Move’

The new ‘Technology Oriented Industry Move Program’, which aims to produce products of strategic importance for Turkey with domestic and national means was announced. Following the “Machine”, the first call of the program, “Call for Mobility” was opened for application. Announcing the new call, Industry and Technology Minister Mustafa Varank stated that they will support the production of 152 medium-high and high technology products and 40 innovative technologies under 5 titles with this call.
In line with the “2023 Industry and Technology Strategy” and “11th Development Plan” objectives, “Mobility Vehicles and Technologies Strategy Roadmap” is being carried out. Minister Varank emphasized that they consider the “Call for Mobility” within this scope. Minister Varank underlined that they will soon publish the ‘Mobility Vehicles and Technologies Strategy Roadmap’ and added: “Our main goal is to increase the export rate of our mobility sector, which exports 85% of its production to Europe, to meet the obligations of the EU arising from the industry, digitalization and environmental policies after the green agreement.” Minister Varank emphasized their aim to increase the share of the mobility sector in exports to 20% by 2023 and to increase the localization rate to 75% by 2030 and added: “The Technology Oriented Industry Move Program Call for Mobility will create a significant leverage effect in achieving these goals. Projects that can contribute to these goals can be supported with this call.”
Supported innovative technologies will rapidly increase its share in world trade
Varank pointed out that the 152 products that are foreseen to be supported on code basis within the scope of the call are products that are the source of the current account deficit of 9.3 billion USD in the 2015-2019 period and said: “In addition, the innovative technologies to be supported here consist of technologies that are expected to increase their share in world trade rapidly with the effect of the paradigm change in the field of mobility.” Stating that with the new call, they will support investments in 152 medium-high and high technology products and 40 innovative technologies under 5 titles, Varank stated that: “With the Move Program, it has become possible to support investments in a much faster, flexible and effective manner.”
Application deadline: June 8
With the project support of TÜBİTAK and KOSGEB to be given for the production of the products and technologies on call, the supports within the scope of the investment incentive certificate can be defined together with a single window mechanism. Investments decided to be supported by the Move Program can benefit from strategic investment incentives. In addition, a project-based incentive system can be activated for projects for which a fixed investment of more than 50 million TL is foreseen. The Program enables the support of all stages of a product from end to end, including R&D, P&D, commercialization, mass production and operation period processes. Applications to be carried out entirely in electronic environment will be able to be made through hamle.gov.tr. The application deadline will be June 8, 2021.