IAS consolidates power in South Korea

Technology firm IAS continues its operations with offices in Germany, Turkey, South Korea, USA, India, United Arab Emirates and Switzerland and a network of partners around the world. Within the scope of canias4.0 technologies, the company offers holistic and fully integrated solutions to the software and hardware needs of companies in industrial digital transformation. At the beginning of 2019, IAS opened its office in Seoul, the capital of South Korea, and established IAS Korea and increased its effectiveness in the Far East market. The company, which has focused on its operations in South Korea in recent years, cooperates with the country’s world-famous companies. Continuing its activities in the region, IAS also decided to expand its operations.
The work of IAS in South Korea is also in the focus of high level government officials. Seoul Ambassador Ersin Erçin, IAS Chairperson of the Board Yaşar Hakan Karabiber, IAS Board Member Can Karabiber, IAS South Korea Country Coordinator Murat Karslı and Seoul Commercial Counselor Münir Oğuz came together in Erçin’s office. At the meeting, the work of IAS in South Korea and its future roadmaps were discussed. Meeting with Ambassador Erçin, IAS Chairperson of the Board of Directors Karabiber stated that despite the pandemic, the success momentum of the company has increased and that its activities will increasingly continue both in South Korea and in other countries where they operate in the near future. Welcoming the IAS executives, Seoul Ambassador Erçin said: “It is pleasing that a software developed by Turkish engineers has become widespread in South Korea and has signed important collaborations with international companies. We are ready to provide all necessary support for the work that IAS plans to carry out in South Korea.”