New generation transportation ideas will compete

Applications are open for the Artificial Intelligence in Transportation Competition, organized as part of the TEKNOFEST Aviation, Space and Technology Festival. In the competition organized this year under the leadership of CEZERİ, TÜBİTAK and ASELSAN, new generation smart transportation systems are being developed with artificial intelligence technologies that make all modes of transportation safer and smarter. Within the scope of the competition, students detect vehicle and human objects using the artificial intelligence-based object detection system and the camera data of flying cars. The application deadline for the competition, in which high school, university students and graduates can participate individually or as a team, is February 28.
In the Artificial Intelligence in Transportation Competition, students play an active role in the development of algorithms that will add value to the sensor and camera data of flying cars. Within the scope of the competition, students are expected to act as a visual landing assistant while the vehicles are landing and taking off from areas in the city. Identifying the Flying Car Park (UAP) and Flying Car Ambulance Landing (UAI) areas with the software they have developed, the competitors analyze their surroundings and check the suitability of these areas for landing. Competitors, who find solutions to control and optimization problems by considering harsh weather conditions and night and day views, ensure that flying cars provide a safer service. As part of the TEKNOFEST Technology Competitions, the teams that ranked high in the Artificial Intelligence in Transportation Competition to be held in Trabzon on 5-7 August 2022 will receive their awards at TEKNOFEST to be held at Samsun Çarşamba Airport on 30 August-4 September 2022.