Test your resilience to attacks with Red Team
GAIS Security offers a different perspective on security with the Red Team service, which also includes penetration testing. GAIS Security Red Team Manager Tunç Tezdiyar said that:
“As GAIS Security, our goal is to always stay up to date and to guide the cyber security industry with an unorthodox perspective. With our R&D studies, we produce new cyber security solutions and offer them to our customers. The Red Team service is a type of service that also includes the penetration test service. However, while the needs in the penetration test vary, Red Team is a type of work that requires continuity and is presented from an offensive point of view. Therefore, if you are affiliated with organizations such as SPK, BDDK, EPDK, if you have any security concerns for one or more products, or if you want a general security picture within the existing institution, penetration testing service should be obtained. In Red Team, on the other hand, it is a perspective based on testing the latest attack vectors on target systems by imitating attacker or attacker groups, and aims to exploit employees, applications and even physical controls with a completely anonymous approach. It is a process that progresses with the creation of planned and full-scale attack simulations to determine how long they can withstand a realistic attack. Two of the most important elements in this service are the competence and perspective of the staff. A Red Team or penetration testing service based solely on automated scanning tools is unthinkable. In this context, we identify security deficiencies in a way that will always take our Red Team customers one step further, and we seriously support them in improving themselves.
I think that all institutions in the public and private sectors need our cyber security products and services. Red Team service should definitely be evaluated in places where customer interaction and money transactions are intense.
We launched our product with the name VulPMP (Vulnerability Process Management Paltform) for use in the Red Team service. VulPMP has been conceived and designed accordingly to provide an interactive environment between the management of findings detected by the Red Team team, GAIS Security and the customer. In this way, in companies with customer or third party loyalty, aiming to be understandable from the top to the bottom provides a contribution and awareness on the purpose of the product in favor of the customer.”