Time for the Big Bang for startups
Performed by İTÜ ARI Teknokent Incubation Center İTÜ Çekirdek; the countdown has begun for the Big Bang Start-up Challenge, which welcomes the best entrepreneurs from the world and Turkey. Celebrating its 10th anniversary this year, the Big Bang Start-up Challenge will be held online on Thursday, December 2, 2021. Big Bang, which delivered 54 million TL of resources to startups last year, is expected to create a larger resource this year. Thousands of viewers focused on technology, entrepreneurship and innovation will be able to watch this process at bigbang2021.itucekirdek.com.
İTÜ Çekirdek Incubation Center has supported 3,000 startups and 6,500 entrepreneurs since its establishment. Hundreds of startups that developed their projects with the support of İTÜ Çekirdek in 10 years gained momentum in the Big Bang and took global steps. In Big Bang 2021, pioneering startups that will be talked about a lot are expected to emerge.
İstanbul Chamber of Industry (İSO), Elginkan Foundation was the Diamond Stakeholder, Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality-Istanbul Planning Agency and Automotive Industry Exporters’ Association (OİB) was the Platinum Stakeholder, Let’s Produce with Technology, EnerjiSA, AgeSA, Agito, Anadolu Efes, AKSigorta, AXA Sigorta, Elder, Ford Otosan, HDI Insurance, Teknasyon, Türkiye Insurance and Yapı Kredi Technology was among the Gold Stakeholders of İTÜ Seed, which has more than 40 stakeholders. With the support of these stakeholders, İTÜ Çekirdek startups also receive mentorship from the names of the business world and hold investment and sales-oriented cooperation meetings.