Time to grow in the USA market

Bulutistan, which makes its investments abroad under the name ICT Cloud and aims to become a global company, has opened its fourth international operation in the USA. Altuğ Eker, General Manager of Bulutistan International Growth, commented as: “We have taken a critical step to take our place among the world giants with our operation in the USA. We are also further strengthening our position as the leading international cloud provider.”
ICT Cloud’s expansion in the USA will provide significant advantages. Aiming to increase the growth rate with collaborations in the USA market, which has a wide range of artificial intelligence and cloud solutions, ICT Cloud’s comprehensive cloud services package will enable businesses to optimize their operations and achieve their strategic goals.
Aiming to collaborate with leading technology providers in line with this goal, ICT Cloud will play an active role in encouraging innovation through strategic partnerships. The company’s presence in the USA will enable the establishment of new partnerships and the acceleration of technological advances. Providing services by connecting to the cloud systems of more than 60 countries abroad with its cloud infrastructures in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, and Frankfurt, Germany, Bulutistan’s investment in the USA will take its place among the economic diversity of the USA.